===================== Continuous Deployment ===================== Idea ==== * Once a *Merge Request* is merged everything happens automatically * typical use-cases are: * releasing a new version * building the corresponding apps * building new documentation Purpose ======= * allow developers to be lazy * automated processes are less error prone * maintain documentation in Git Webhook ======= A Webhook is an Api Endpoint that you can call in order to make a change on a website. Simple Example ______________ When you post a comment on Reddit, you trigger a webhook as well. In the background some code puts your comment into some reddit database. Afterwards it makes a call to a Reddit webhook that tells it to fetch the newest state from the database. Elaborate Example: Read the Docs ________________________________ A similar use-case is to public your documentation to the internet. Therefore we will establish a webhook on Read the Docs. That means our code versioning system (GitLab) will call the webhook when there are changes.